

we had a little craft day and made some homemade gak :) reeser loves playdough but i hate how it just crumbles everywhere (probably a sign that its too old and i need to just spend $2 and get some more...) but instead I thought it would be fun to let R make her own gak and it has been a huge hit. so much of a hit that i might have hid it the other day because i just don't know if i can play with it for another second. she hasn't asked for it in a few days but we'll probably pull it out this afternoon bc its raining now... anyway... here's what we did:

mostly we followed these instructions from my friends fun blog.
here's what you need:
 {which took me forever to find bc i honestly had no idea what it was - its with the laundry detergent}
-a whole bottle of elmers glue 
-food coloring

1st: mix 1 Cup of water and 1 tsp borax and set aside

2nd: into an airtight canister mix a whole bottle of glue(4oz), 1/2 cup water, and food coloring together {just shake it up until its all mixed}

3rd: add the borax mixture to the glue mixture and shake and shake and shake - obviously the munchkin was trying with all her might to shake it up :) it takes a few minutes to shake it all together

and in those few minutes someone was already bored with the process and moved onto something else. ha. then after those few minutes someone else realized we must have done something wrong because it was not forming gak at all. so we may or may not have jumped in the car and gone to walgreens to get more glue and then tried again.

the second time i tried to focus a little more and not take pictures and not let a 2 year old measure the water and it worked great. 

thanks lullaby lubbock for teaching us how to make our own gak :) so fun!!!

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