
thanksgiving in Branson

We were unbelievably blessed at Christmas to be able to go to Branson and be with my family for 5 days! Mark was working nights last month and just happened to have those days off (we left the morning of thanksgiving as soon as he got off and drove all day to be there). My brother drove from Nashville and we had the best time being together as a family. Here's our trip in pictures:

R is very into musical instruments these days so naturally I broke out my flute from 7th grade and she thought it was pretty much the greatest thing ever :) 

probably she was super excited about the 7 layer jello on her plate.

one night we had a campfire in the backyard and roasted smores. yum!
she loves her pajoe!!
 first smore. what a mess!

I got to meet my dear friend, Kristen's, sweet new baby girl, Arden. What a doll baby!

Sic em bears! Reese is getting so good at doing a sic em! {on another note... why does no one in Iowa know what that means?? We may or may not have gotten license plates that say Sic Em and no one gets it. So sad. can't change how proud we are of Baylor though!}
and of course we cheered for the LSU tigers with Gigi too.

headed to Silver Dollar City
(see the post below for lots more family photos by my super talented brother)

R is STILL talking about all the christmas lights, seeing Santa and riding on the train. Love this tradition of taking her here every Thanksgiving/Christmas :) 

 in the words of  reesieboo "lets decoration the tree!"

such a special time with family! love them more than words.

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