
time flies

Reese is now seven weeks old..... but here is her six week picture in the green chair:
She is getting so big! She has officially outgrown her newborn clothes and diapers, her neck is getting so much stronger and she can hold her head up pretty well but is still pretty shaky, she loves tummy time and tries so hard to roll over {she can do it if her arm is underneath her to give her a little head start and when she rolls over she gets so excited! so precious}, still hates baths but only cries a little instead of screaming, has giggled a few times in her sleep and I absolutely die every time!!! It is the sweetest sound you've ever heard! Her hair is coming back slowly but surely but we still can't tell if it's all brown or maybe a little reddish. She has "slept through the night" several times {sleeping for 7-8 hours} it's amazing! I never thought I could feel so rested after sleeping for seven hours! ha how times have changed. She truly is such a good baby - very laid back and so sweet! It's so fun to see her little personality as she continues to grow up.

Last week my parents were here hanging out with us and we had a blast. We spent most of our time just staring at Reese and trying to get her to smile at us {which she does a lot now and it just melts my heart every time!!} Thanks for coming to play with us Gigi and Papa Joe!! We love you so much.

She loves to play on her play mat and look at the bear that lights up and plays music. She also loves the black and white penguin and smiles so big every time she sees it.

what a happy baby!

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