
goodbye columbia

I've had this post started for about a month now and nearly every time I sit down to write it I just start bawling about missing our friends and life in Columbia. This week I think God has changed my heart. Don't get me wrong... there is nothing harder for me than moving to a new city where we know NO ONE {and this time I've felt so unbelievably sick and its a billion degrees and my husband has been at the hospital about 90% of the time... its been hard!} and it still is hard. but I think my stubborn heart has  finally accepted this for what it is and started to move on and try to embrace this new place. Our dear friends Kara and Sam came to visit for a few days last week and I think that really helped me. I think it made me feel like this was "my" city and "my" house and showing it to them helped me feel more at home here (does that even make sense?) anyway... I'm thankful that I can rest in my Jesus and know that HE has a perfect plan for us and HE has brought us here for a reason. and instead of just searching and looking and waiting for that reason I need to just enjoy each day that He has given us and pray He would be glorified through our family and that we would walk with Him each moment. 

before we moved our fantastic small group threw us a little going away dinner at the Les Bourgeois A-Frame over looking the beautiful Missouri River. It was on our places to go before we moved and we never got around to doing it so it was so exciting to get to go! Everyone brought yummy food and we had a picnic and just talked and had a blast. We sure miss everyone but couldn't be more thankful that the Lord brought them into our lives - even just for a short time. Thanks for blessing our lives soooo much! You have no idea. 

and just another picture of these little cuties playing before we moved. reese seriously talks about addy and sam EVERY single day (if I'm being honest it's about 700 times every day). She ALWAYS asks if they'll be wherever we're going and when I say "no they still live in missouri and we moved to Iowa." then reese responds with "its ok. maybe the come? maybe mommy."like she will never give up hope that she will play with them again someday soon {which she will because we'll be visiting soon I'm sure!}

Praise the Lord for friendships!


Rebecca Win said...

awww y'all are going to LOVE des moines!! welcome to the midwest! we are only a few hours away! :)

Rachel said...

I know it's hard. I'm so glad you are here though! God has a plan by putting us together :)