
life in Iowa

mostly random iphone pictures to catch you up on what we've been up to on a daily basis in Iowa (from last month- July)

we have a new member of our family - Blue, the fish

discovered the little shopping carts at hy-vee. makes the grocery store trip take about 3x longer but this little girl is quite the shopper :) she LOVES to push her little cart around and pick out her own "snacks"

 4th of July playing in the backyard in a billion degree heat
 then we watched the symphony and the fireworks at the state capitol. 

got a new pool

spend lots of time giving the giraffe a "check up" and just mainly moving the water around from one bucket to the next

found this AWESOME splash pad/kiddie pool/park in our neighborhood! literally a few streets down from us. sooo fun!

someone has decided she doesnt want to take naps anymore. help us!

we love to have picnics on the back deck for most meals of the day but especially breakfast

made the mistake of getting R an icee at target ONE time and now its just about the end of the world if we don't get one every time we walk in. oops. 

we still love feeding the ducks

weekly lunch dates to chick fil a :)

still a texas girl at heart :)

she LOVES to water the flowers

one saturday afternoon we were crazy people and drove 3 hours to kansas city to see our dear friends Nat and Jessie (who live in Houston but were visiting her parents for the weekend). We got to play with them for the afternoon and eat dinner and then drive all the way back that night. it was crazy, but worth it :)

 we loved their puppy Sawyer! he was too cute!

Saying reese is OBSESSED with reading books is an understatement. it has become one of her favorite things!! She loves "big girl" books! Like not board books but ones that have an actual story. She will sit for 30 minutes and "read" to herself. She'll look at the pictures and tell the story and sometimes really say the phrases that are on the actual page! I've been very impressed and I love to see and hear her little voice reading to her animals :) so sweet. she loves to read in the car too.

We've gone to the library about a billion times already and she likes to pretend to be a big kid and play on the computer. so funny! she doesn't know how to use the mouse and the games hold her attention for about 10 seconds but she LOVES to sit at the computer and wear the headphones :) ha.

car wash.

lots of cheering for the USA happening in this house for the past few weeks. We've especially loved cheering for Gabby -who lives in Des Moines if you don't already know!! so EVERYONE here is totally obsessed with her. It's been really fun! and her host family here (and her) go to the church where we've been visiting. Her host "parents" spoke at church this past sunday about how they got connected with her two years ago, about being in London and how incredible it was to watch Gabby stand for the Lord in everything she does! so awesome! Reese was so cute when we would watch the gymnasts she would always ask, "is that gabby?" and then when she came on the tv she would cheer and cheer "go gabby go! you can do it! good job!" what an awesome role model! side note: i may or may not be signing reese up for the tots class at Chows gym here :) I mean why not?? 

yummy iowa corn!

I guess because daddy has been using his tools so much lately to fix things and hang things ect. reeser has become really into using tools too! and silly daddy came home from work the other day with a little kid tool box filled with tools and R thinks she is just the coolest kid around! too cute.

update on baby #2: I'm now 18 weeks along. Finally, sort of, starting to feel better. maybe getting a little more energy back. I went to my new doctor here last week and she seemed great and said everything was looking good and healthy and on track. praise the Lord for that. we scheduled my big ultrasound for 20 weeks (the end of the month) where we'll find out if it's a girl or a boy :) I really sort of thought we might not find out this time... but now I'm thinking that I really am ready to get our house somewhat put together and knowing boy/girl for the nursery and for putting away some of R's things would be so so helpful!! and I just dont think I can wait 5 more months!! I'm just too excited to add another member of our family! and I also think it would be easier to prepare Reese for a new baby if she could know if its a brother or sister and what it's name is, etc. anyway...  we'll know in a few weeks! yay. 

ok thats all for now. xoxo

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Love the update and pics, glad you guys are settling in well way up there! :). I was laughing at the Target icee...I've made the same mistake with Parker. All we have to do is pull into the parking lot and he starts asking for a blue icee! Ha! Oh well, at least it keeps him occupied while I shop! :)