
visit from sam

A few weeks ago our dear friends came to visit for a few days. Reese was just beside herself with excitement that her best friend was in her new house!! They were holding hands pretty much 24-7 while they were here. It was just too cute. SO thankful for Kara and Sam (and Charles for letting them come). It was so refreshing to see them! 

they learned how to drink out of the hose ha.

played at the park

fed the ducks

ate tcby
I dont think I wrote this down and just don't want to forget... Reese woke up one morning last week screaming crying like she had had a bad dream and then stopped pretty quick so I just listened on the monitor. I then heard her saying, "Sam ate my ice cream. I wanted another bite." and she was sniffling and sort of whining and kept saying it over and over. When I went in to get her I asked if she had a bad dream and she said yes and started crying and again told me sam ate her ice cream :( haha poor thing. It was so hard for me not to laugh. I'm sort of glad to know that her "bad" dreams only consist of this though. What a sweet and tender heart she has. I pray that God will use that quality in her in an awesome way as she grows up.

anyway... we had a blast with kara and sam and can't wait to play again soon. also, will someone please tell me how to teach reese that des moines and columbia are in separate states and we cannot drive around the block to see sam or addy anymore :( It's so sad when she asks for him and Addy everyday! 


in keeping with pictures of reese and sam, here are some cute pictures from Sam's 2nd birthday party the day before we moved in June. So glad we got to celebrate our sweet friend!! 

the three musketeers :) R still talks about sams bday party ALLLLLL the time. 

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