dear lucy,
please forgive me for not documenting your life as often and as closely as i did your sisters'. having two sweet girls to take care of sure is a lot more work/time/energy/harder transition than i thought it would be. i promise your life is just as special and just as exciting... i just barely have time to check my email much less sit at the computer long enough to write anything. but i just don't want to ever forget you as a sweet newborn and i feel like you are outgrowing that phase right before my eyes.... so, here we go.
today you are nine weeks old and you had your two month check up.
one month:
So proud of how much your growing :) You're a very good eater and have started to have somewhat of a pattern each day. You usually nurse every three hours but probably would every 2 if i let you :) You've also started sleeping longer at night (finally) and sleep from around 9:30 or 10 until around 3am and then until around 8am.
You are so fun to play with in the mornings when you wake up and just coo and are so bright eyed. It might be my favorite time with you (even though I'm so so tired and would LOVE to have a big cup of caffeinated coffee - this de-caf stuff just doesn't seem the same - but i'll do anything for you, my little love.)
You have officially grown out of your newborn clothes this week. Now you won't have as many options of things to wear since most of Reese's 3 month clothes are for summer time and here in Iowa its still very much the dead of winter. In fact, we got a huge snow storm yesterday and have about 12 in of snow on the ground. fact: i'm pretty sure there has been snow on the ground every single day of your life so far.
You are already in love with your big sister and she is so in love with you. Its just adorable the way she wants to take care of you and always sit by you and "play" with you :) and when you wake up from a nap you immediately look around the room until you find silly reeser.
You seem to have two favorite things to look at : a black and white picture of reese and her polka dot chair that hangs behind the couch on the wall. and your other favorite is the toy monkey hanging down in your bouncer. you coo and talk to him and love it.
You still really make us work to get a smile out of you. You like to smile at Reese and sometimes mommy or daddy. It just about melts my heart to see that gummy grin! and yesterday you gave out a tiny little giggle when mommy was laughing at a tv show :)
You're still quite a grunter :) Usually from about 6-7ish in the morning you grunt and grunt in your sleep and you've done this since the day you were born. You also grunt and grunt when you're trying to do your business. The dr said just some babies are more 'in tune' with what's happening in your body and you're trying to help the process along ha. It sounds a lot like chewbacca from star wars haha. It seems like the grunting is getting less and less as you get older. You're just the cutest thing though, even when you grunt.
We have finally started to put your room together! yay. Daddy painted it for you last weekend when all the girls were in branson playing with Gigi and PapaJo. and now your crib is all set up and we just need to hang somethings on the walls. It's really cute!!! I think you should start sleeping in there next week when daddy is finished working nights. I know you will love it.
You rolled over four times before you were even 4 weeks old but you haven't done it again since then. But your neck is getting so strong and youre really good at holding it up.
You follow things with your eyes and ALWAYS follow Reese around the room. She doesn't sit still for long so you love to watch her :)
Lots of people have said they think you look like me, which is a huge compliment to me bc you are beautiful! I think you do look more like my baby pictures than Reese did as a baby. Daddy and I think maybe you have my eyes. But your eyes are still so very blue and we can't wait to see what color they really are - and what color your hair is!!! you still don't have any :)
You are just such a sweet, adorable baby! We all love you more than we could even say. I can't believe how fast time is flying by. What a blessing you are to me, little Lu. i love being your mommy and I love watching you grow up.
all my love,
at one week old:
weight- 5 lbs 13 oz
your two week old stats:
weight- 6lbs 10oz (8%)
height- 18 7/8 in (4%)
head- 13 1/8 in (6%)
one month:
weight- 8 lbs 12 oz
height- 20.5 in
head- 14.13 in
and at two months:
weight- 11 lbs 11 oz (57%!!!!)
height- 22 in tall (25%)
head- 15 in (42%)
So proud of how much your growing :) You're a very good eater and have started to have somewhat of a pattern each day. You usually nurse every three hours but probably would every 2 if i let you :) You've also started sleeping longer at night (finally) and sleep from around 9:30 or 10 until around 3am and then until around 8am.
You are so fun to play with in the mornings when you wake up and just coo and are so bright eyed. It might be my favorite time with you (even though I'm so so tired and would LOVE to have a big cup of caffeinated coffee - this de-caf stuff just doesn't seem the same - but i'll do anything for you, my little love.)
You have officially grown out of your newborn clothes this week. Now you won't have as many options of things to wear since most of Reese's 3 month clothes are for summer time and here in Iowa its still very much the dead of winter. In fact, we got a huge snow storm yesterday and have about 12 in of snow on the ground. fact: i'm pretty sure there has been snow on the ground every single day of your life so far.
You are already in love with your big sister and she is so in love with you. Its just adorable the way she wants to take care of you and always sit by you and "play" with you :) and when you wake up from a nap you immediately look around the room until you find silly reeser.
You seem to have two favorite things to look at : a black and white picture of reese and her polka dot chair that hangs behind the couch on the wall. and your other favorite is the toy monkey hanging down in your bouncer. you coo and talk to him and love it.
You still really make us work to get a smile out of you. You like to smile at Reese and sometimes mommy or daddy. It just about melts my heart to see that gummy grin! and yesterday you gave out a tiny little giggle when mommy was laughing at a tv show :)
You're still quite a grunter :) Usually from about 6-7ish in the morning you grunt and grunt in your sleep and you've done this since the day you were born. You also grunt and grunt when you're trying to do your business. The dr said just some babies are more 'in tune' with what's happening in your body and you're trying to help the process along ha. It sounds a lot like chewbacca from star wars haha. It seems like the grunting is getting less and less as you get older. You're just the cutest thing though, even when you grunt.
You rolled over four times before you were even 4 weeks old but you haven't done it again since then. But your neck is getting so strong and youre really good at holding it up.
You follow things with your eyes and ALWAYS follow Reese around the room. She doesn't sit still for long so you love to watch her :)
Lots of people have said they think you look like me, which is a huge compliment to me bc you are beautiful! I think you do look more like my baby pictures than Reese did as a baby. Daddy and I think maybe you have my eyes. But your eyes are still so very blue and we can't wait to see what color they really are - and what color your hair is!!! you still don't have any :)
You are just such a sweet, adorable baby! We all love you more than we could even say. I can't believe how fast time is flying by. What a blessing you are to me, little Lu. i love being your mommy and I love watching you grow up.
all my love,