
Lucy Kate - 14 mo

Lucylula. you are a joy. you are an adventurer. you are an explorer. you are curious. you are a sweetheart if i ever knew one but in the same breath you are as stubborn as they come. i cannot imagine our lives without you. thank you Jesus for letting this sweet girl be a part of our family! Here's what lulu is up to at 14 months. 

WALKING!! She took her first steps right after she turned 13 months (during small group at our friends house). Once she figured out how to stand up on her own a few weeks after that she has been walking everywhere. It's just so cute how she walks with her arms up in the air and taking those tiny little steps. i love it!

TALKING: She says 'Dada' but not mama unless she's really crying
'uh uh' for uh oh. 
'ba da. ba da' - singing the bath time song
't…t…' means please
"eye" (hi) she says this alllllll the time :) to everyone!
other than that she pretty much just points at things and is happy to let her big sister talk for her :) and Reeser will probably be doing that for the rest of their lives :) ha. gosh i love these sisters.

She's always been a grunter - even at 2 weeks old in her tiny bassinet and kept me awake all night while she was sleeping peacefully. and now she continues to grunt and point and somehow we can usually figure out what she's "saying" :) I just want to hear her little voice though!

but she can't fool me into thinking just bc she doesn't talk much she doesn't understand whats going on. that girl totally gets it! She LOVES to brush her teeth and wash her hands and if we even ever say anything about water or the bathroom much less go in there she is there rubbing her hands together waiting for someone to help her :) and when she sees me getting my shoes on she knows we must be going somewhere so she brings her boots to me too. or tries to put them on herself which just results in lots of grunting and pointing.

She is so funny and goofy and just cracks herself up all the time. She's so much better at playing by herself than her sister was - sweet second child - and there are soooo many times when she'll be playing with her toys or reading a book and she'll just start cracking up. haha and do the same thing over and over and laugh and laugh. its adorable. she's quite the jokester, people. 

anytime we say bye or talk about leaving she blows kisses. and she usually won't stop until she gets her hand to your face for you to kiss it.

She eats most everything. but has gotten a little more picky about meat. She LOVES fruit the most, especially grapes and blueberries. and she drinks whole milk like a champ. transitioning from breastfeeding to milk was pretty easy for her. She doesn't love to be fed off a spoon but if i help her eat things with her fork she'll sit in her high chair forever! oh she also loooooves yogurt bites and goldfish and finds them in the cupboard and pulls them out to help herself :)

She loves to dance and hum along to songs. one of my favorite things she does. oh and i've got to get this on video but in the last couple of days she started spinning around kind of and she'll take some steps then bend her arm at her elbow and use it like a rudder or something to help turn herself around. its precious. and hilarious. 

She is in her big girl car seat but still facing backward. 

She LOVES her sister. and it just melts my heart to hear them laughing and playing together! its so fun. she just chases R around all day. and Reese is just the best big sister. "oh sweet girl whats wrong?" "no no lulu" are some of reeses big sister phrases lately. :)

Lucy is also a major daddy's girl. She just lights up when he gets home every day and practically runs to him! She gives him huge hugs and cuddles and lays her head on his shoulder all the time. Its adorable. She points and says dada to his pictures around the house all day with a huge smile. 

She is a climber and an adventurer for sure. into ev.er.y.thing. seriously. i can't turn around for a minute or she's climbing on the art table or into the toy box or eating paint or somehow found a way to get to a shelf with huge books on it. i love it but it just cracks me up bc reese was never like that. I love that she's curious and that she doesn't seem to be afraid of anything. She's super tough. falls down a billion times a day. has bruises everywhere and usually all over her face. but she just gets up with a huge smile and those beautiful blue eyes that just melt your heart. 

you are so beautiful lucygirl!!! I love you more than words can express!