
80s prom

I'm very late in posting this... But a few weekends ago we had an 80s prom party with the young adult department at church. We had so much fun!!! Here are a few pictures from the evening.

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Yesterday was "valentines day party day" at school and it was totally taking me back. It's so adorable how these kiddos get so into their valentines boxes/bags that they've been decorating all week! They've picked out individual valentines for each kid in their class {most come with a tattoo or candy or silly band these days}. Most kids are wearing red or pink and they're all squealing with excitement about the party that their teachers have strategically planned for 2:15 so the craziness can only last for 45 minutes max! Ha. It's hilarious. I love sneaking into their classrooms during the parties and just watching the awesomeness of these precious kids who think no one is watching while they shovel cookies and cupcakes into their mouths.

So here's to valentines day! Xoxo

On another note, my house has been decorated with these DIY felt heart decorations for over a month now. I just love it!

On this last string of hearts I wrote random questions on each one. This is my favorite "game" to play! I love to ask random questions to mark (or whoever!) it's so fun to talk about things you'd never really ask otherwise. Here's a list of fun things to talk about on your valentines date :) {or on a walk, or driving in the car, etc}. We play this all the time!!!! I'm sure Reese will hate me for it but I sure don't care!

{This is from Gary Smalley and Ted Cunningham (they're both from branson!!) I saw it in my Parenting magazine! So Awesome!!!}

Take this with you on your valentines date with your hubby! You'll love finding out his answers - and it will give you something to talk about besides your babies.

Over appetizers...
1. Name three countries you’d like to visit.
2. Which celebrity annoys you most?
3. How would you spend $10,000,000?
4. If you could try out any occupation for a year, what would it be?
5. On a scale of 1 to 10, how cool are you?

Over the main course...
1. If you could rewind to any point in your past, what would you want to relive?
2. If you could take lessons to become an expert at anything, what would it be?
3. How would you spend a perfect day alone?
4. What would you want us to do together for the next ten years if you knew they were your last?
5. What’s the most honest thing you have ever done?
6. How would you like people to describe you at your funeral?

Over dessert & coffee...
1. Hollywood called. They want to make a movie about your life. Who would play you?
2. Name something you love that no one else seems to like. (Or name something that everyone seems to love except for you.)
3. What’s the one item you own that you know you should get rid of but never will?
4. Name one thing you miss about our dating days.
5. Last one. Make it good! What’s something positive about me that you don’t say often enough?


the reese's

Reese spent at least 15 solid minutes last night tearing up a magazine to shreds! Literally:

But this is not a joke... One page she somehow ripped out whole and then stared at it for a while just smiling at it and here's what it was...

Sorta hard to see but its Reese Witherspoon. I guess she already knows they share a special bond. Haha. It was so funny and cute. Although I know/hope/pray that our Reese will love Jesus and live her life for Him and not for Hollywood like the other Reese. (I actually know nothing about Reese Witherspoons personal life... Maybe she does love Jesus. No idea)

Just thought this was funny!

{and no, in case you're thinking it, Reese Witherspoon had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that we named our daughter Reese. We just loved the name and it's meaning}

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snow day!!!

We had our first official snow day of the year today (by official i mean we didn't have school! yay!) We went to bed to some crazy 40-50 mph winds and negative temps and woke up to about 8 inches of beautiful snow! We had a fantastic day relaxing inside by the fire and playing and napping and drinking hot chocolate and just being together all day long. i love days like this when we dont leave the house. 

Reese played outside for a little bit and watched daddy shovel snow and gunner run around like a maniac. 


She even made her first snow angel :)

love my snow bunny.


ski trip in pictures

We had such a wonderful time in Breckenridge this past weekend. Praise the Lord we made it there and back safely on the scary, snowy roads and white out conditions. Mark could definitely live on the ski slopes, so needless to say, this was a much needed trip for him. Reese and I had so much fun playing all day together :) and she also loved playing in the snow and looking out the window watching it fall. On Saturday Reese and I took a bus to the mountain to meet everyone for lunch. Too bad no one we knew saw us because it was quite hilarious... but we made it and it was fun to at least feel like I was a part of the skiing world for an hour or so! It was also such a fun time to spend with our friends, Erin and Brandon Neely! Erin and I were great friends at Baylor and it was so fun to spend time with her :) Here are some pictures from our trip...

playing in our incredible house before daddy headed off to ski

 the incredible view I had all day:

lunch on the mountain:

playing in the snow outside our house:

in the fun village of Breckenridge on our way to Eric's for dinner 
Hope you enjoyed your first trip to the mountains little Reeser! I know it won't be the last.

fun in the sun

{seems weird to be posting these on this crazy snow day.... but i finally have time to catch up}

A few weeks ago we had the most random but BEAUTIFUL 70 degree saturday! We had soooo much fun playing outside, going to the park, having a picnic and just soaking up the sun together!


spa day

A few weekends ago we had a spa day at my house with all the ladies in our sunday school class. We all left our babies with our hubbys and had some girly time with people and Instyle magazine, oreo balls and facials! We had a 'spa girl' come over and she pampered us head to toe! It was fantastic. I keep saying every place we move that I'll never find great friends again and then what do you know.... God blows me away by providing exactly what I need - and in Amarillo that has been some incredibly, Godly women who almost all have babies pretty close to the same age as Reeser. It has been such a blessing to share life with them this past year! Love you girls so much!
{I promised them I wouldn't put these pictures on facebook but I never said anything about the blog :) haha}


In the mountains

We made it to Breckenridge late late Thursday night after a very slow and somewhat scary drive on the snow covered Colorado interstates. It is just beautiful here!!! We met some friends from Amarillo here and are staying in their friends AMAZING house. Reese and I have been playing inside watching it snow alllllllll day yesterday and today and the rest of the gang have been skiing on the 'hill' {as the locals say}. We went to the fun little village place in Breck for dinner last night and it is just such a fun little town! I didn't get any pictures bc there's just too many other things to think about with the snow and freezing temps and a 9.5 month old who keeps kicking her boots off and her hat keeps getting in her eyes and mommy is sweating with a million layers on her and on her baby (who now weighs at least 10 lbs heavier with all the bulk). But believe me when I say it's beautiful. I keep singing the Shane&Shane song that says "Let us declare the beauty of the Lord!"


Phone blog?

Testing. Testing... 1.2.3. Is it true? Can I blog from my phone? Yes, I realize I'm probably way behind the times, but thanks to my incredible husband who takes care of me I think I can blog from my phone now. Yay!

Today we're snuggled by the fire trying to stay warm in this 2 degree weather (-25 degree wind chill)! Crazy!!

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