
my brother, the ironman

Last weekend my incredible brother swam/biked/ran in a half ironman triathalon. It happened to be in Branson - which equals the hardest hills to run/bike on in the country! I think they said there were about 1500 people competing {wow} and Eric did GREAT!!!!! He's been training all summer and it sure paid off. I wanted to badly to be able to be there but I was getting play by play reports from my mom. Here are some pictures from the big day. I think the whole thing took him less than 6 hours! That was his goal, and he did it. I couldn't be more proud of him!!

1 mile swim in tablerock lake:
he's in there somewhere!

Then onto the 56 mile bike all through the Ozark hills. {they all said it was the hardest bike they had ever, ever done!}

 running 13.1 miles to finish the race:

with his biggest fans {mom&dad}! we're all so proud!! i love you so much brother! thanks for being such an inspiration.

So since Eric could do all that I figured I could at least run a 5k {race for the cure} this morning! Reese and I met some friends there and had a fun run through downtown Amarillo. Thanks for being my running buddy Reeser! 


Elizabeth Ann @ Elizabeth Ann's Recipe Box said...

Ok. . . I am SUPER impressed! Wow!

kristen said...

that is so awesome!! and your family is gorgeous!! and reese!! so so so cute! so cute. love this blog!!!