
He is Risen!

"According to His great mercy, He has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead." 1 Peter 1:3

This year we celebrated Easter in Columbia as our little family of three. We definitely missed our families but we had a great time as just us. We went to the Friday night service at our church and it was AWESOME.  Its so hard to even fathom our great God and the love he has for us. What joy it brings me that we are saved from our sins because of Jesus. Church on Easter Sunday was really amazing too. We just love our church here- The Crossing- and getting to be a part of it this year has truly changed my life!! All the eggs and candy were fun but it was even more special to celebrate the real reason of Easter. It was so sweet to hear little Reesers sweet voice say "Jesus is alive" over and over. It will be fun to really explain to her what Jesus did for us on the cross as she gets a little older. Here are some pics from our Easter day.

We had Easter lunch with our small group - here are R and Addy talking to each other on their "phones" (yes, Reese's is a calculator haha)

Then our dear friends, the Cranford family, invited us over for an incredible Easter dinner with their sweet family. Mrs. Dari made DUCK! yum. it was so good. Reesie boo absolutely LOVES Mrs. Dari and we always have fun being with their family.


They even made the most adorable bunny cake :) 

"Oh praise the One who paid my debt, who raised this life up from the dead. JESUS paid it all."

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