
Snow Day!

We finally had a snow day yesterday! Well sort of. I got to leave work early at 3 p.m. and we didn't have to come in today until 10 a.m. because of the icy roads. We even had some snow, too! I love the snow and how clean everything looks with a fresh white blanket over it. It makes me forget how brown and dusty West Texas is. I'm sure the ice/snow will be gone by this afternoon (and it will probably be 65 degrees again tomorrow) but for now I'm snuggled in my Uggs and scarf pretending to work and hoping it will stay a little longer.

The pretty ice covered crepe myrtle in our front yard:Gunner is hilarious in the snow! He just leaps and prances all around stopping every five seconds to shake the snow off his paws! so funny!

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