
one-year-old & more bday pics

29 inches long (50%)
17.6 lbs (7%)

yes people, our little chunk has majorly thinned out and still weighs the same that she did when she was four months old!! poor thing. I promise we do feed her - a ton actually - she just won't drink milk so she's not gaining weight very fast (or at all). The dr isn't worried at all and says he sees this a lot in kids who are breastfed for their first full year.... he says she'll probably have a big growth spurt over the summer.

Our little nugget is such a sweet heart. She has the sweetest smile (most of the time) and waves at everyone all the time, even if you've been sitting and playing for a while with her sometimes she'll just look at you and wave :) 

She seems like quite a talker! She's not really saying any words yet, but babbles and "talks" about something all the time. She has learned uh-oh and says it a lot! Especially as she throws all of her food off her high chair and onto the floor, then looks down at it and says Uh Oh with a huge smile. She repeats lots of sounds or syllables in her own little language and seems like she tries to sing along when her music is playing. Its adorable. She also loves to dance to music too!! 

She hasn't taken any steps on her own yet, but is getting really solid and sturdy at walking with her walker or with someone holding her hand. I think playing outside is going to make her start walking because she hates to sit in the grass and have it on her legs (she immediately picks up her legs and balances on her booty when we set her down - hilarious) The other day she started to crawl in the grass and hated it so she stopped and stood up all by herself, but then just sat back down. Can't wait to watch her take those first little steps :)

Still not interested in drinking milk :( sometimes she'll take a few sips. She will pretty much eat anything (LOVES LOVES LOVES mac and cheese!!!) and she will finally eat things off a spoon. She also loves to eat yogurt and applesauce now.

I think her favorite part of the day is getting the mail and tearing it to shreds! She is entertained by moving each piece of paper one at a time from one pile to another. oh she does the same thing with laundry too.

I can finally sort of clip a tiny bow in her hair!! It only lasts a few minutes, but its adorable while it lasts

She now has two teeth on the bottom and is about to cut one on the top.

Still sleeps about 12 hours at night - unless she wakes up screaming for an hour or two, i guess from those silly teeth. I treasure every minute of that cuddle time though (ok maybe not EVERY minute, but most of it :)

That's all the updates I can think of for now... more to come i'm sure. 

Here are some more pictures from her bday party:

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