
bye bye gunner dog

Gunner Mason
May 11, 2003 - July 19, 2011
Hungarian Vizsla 

We miss you buddy :-( Here's to countless hours of chasing squirrels, going on walks&runs, hiking in the mountains, prancing at the back door begging to come in, chasing lights like a crazy dog, laying on your bed right by us in the evening, protecting Reese and being such an awesome, loyal, trusty, hilarious, hyper, loving part of our family. We will never, ever forget all the awesome memories we have with you all the way from our days at Baylor, to Lubbock (when you became "my dog" too!), to Amarillo, to your short days in Missouri. We love you Gunner and we're heartbroken that you're gone! 

 {Masters Rebel Rouser <--- his official AKC name :) }

Reeser sure loved you too!


Elizabeth Ann @ Elizabeth Ann's Recipe Box said...

Oh my heart is breaking for y'all. I am so sorry for your loss.

Lauren said...

I'm so sorry about Gunner, was he old or did something bad happen? :(. We miss seeing y'all at church!

Denae said...

awww, Gunner. We are so sad to hear this. :(