
the one you need

i have always always LOVED shane & shane. they are basically all i listen to. the words and scripture they sing are pretty much always the words i am trying to say to my Jesus. truly I sing and pray and cry their lyrics almost daily.... anyway, they have a new cd that came out this week. and IT IS INCREDIBLE!!!!!! If you haven't already, go buy it on itunes. and if nothing else at least watch this music video... again, no surprise here, but I cry every single time I watch this. just really speaks to my heart about trying to be EVERYTHING for my reesie boo when in reality I never will be because JESUS is the one she (and I) need and HE is the only one who will fulfill us and be there without ever letting us down. gosh, it just gets me. as a mom. as a wife. as a daughter. as a Christian. it is so easy to try to fill ourselves with this world but HE is THE ONE WE NEED.

in other music news.... my brother, the incredible Eric Staples, worked with a musician friend of his in Nashville and Eric created this music video for the release of his friend, Paul Klein's, new record coming out in a few weeks. I cannot believe Eric did this?!! {who am I kidding, he can do anything.... i've always been sorta annoyed at him because of that :) j/k} just had to share so you could be super impressed by my brother too. i guess he's a videographer now? add it to the list. love you erk.

so cool eric. wish i could be as cool as you.

{we're in Amarillo with Mark's family this week and having a total blast - missing mark while he's working at home - but loving being here! pics and a blog of our trip to come next week}


The Lacys said...

Thenew Shane & Shane cd is soooo good! Can't stop listening to it!

Unknown said...

I don't even have a daughter and I bawled during that video. So great. Love S&S.