
18 months

18 month stats:
weight: 20 lbs 6 oz (4%)
height: 30 in (8%)

still a peanut.

quick update so i don't ever forget:

man, this girl is a talker. its sorta crazy to me how much she can say. even today when we were having lunch at dairy queen "da-ee keen" and after we ate a lady came over and asked how old she was because she couldn't believe how much reeser was talking haha. we probably ruined everyones lunch experiences by how much she was yelling 'free fries' 'sam!!' 'ice keeeeeem' 'buckle' 'open peeese' a billion times. sorry dairy queeners. she has started saying a lot of phrases in the last few weeks like: thank you mommy, all done, no thank you, more cheese please, watch pooh please....

this is so funny to me too.... she thinks that she can manipulate getting something she wants by saying 'thank you sam' (or whoever she wants something from) with a huge smile as she takes it from them haha making it look like they gave it to her.... sneaky little thing!

we have had many tantrums lately and are really trying to nip it in the bud but this is a battle right now for sure. its usually just when she is tired or hungry but somehow those tears form on her cheeks in less than an instant.... i pray her sweet heart easily understands what it means to obey and how to do it with a cheerful heart. oh and no idea where this came from but when she doesn't want me to pick her up she just goes limp like a noodle and tries to wiggle free. hilarious.

she still loves shoes!!!! and dressing up in her "re-reeena" (ballerina) skirts and twirling around. and she recognizes princesses now too. still dances around all the time. adorable.

winnie the pooh is a MAJOR obsession these days. she cried, like major tears crying, when i turned off pooh yesterday so we could go outside. and when we were buying the dvd she held it tight with two hands all the way to the counter and when the man had to take it to get the case off she FLIPPED out! I don't think i've ever seen her cry that hard. oh girl. she is passionate about everything! (she's already living up to what her name means)

she still has 8 teeth. slowly getting some strawberry-blonde-ish curls in the back. wears mostly 12-18 and size 4-5 shoes.

the obsession with pumpkins still continues but we've moved on to missmas trees too. she now constantly searches for pictures of missmas trees in magazines and points them out anywhere we go.

and the other day i was telling her how at christmas it's jesus' birthday and she broke out in 'happy birthday to you :)" and now anytime we say jesus or christmas she usually says 'birday' and we have to sing to jesus. i love this. i pray we can instill the celebration of jesus in her heart and make that the foundation before she is bombarded with santa and presents.

her favorite food is spaghetti. she says 'badetti"

oh and she LOVES LOVES balloons. our grocery store gives them to kids for free every time. so this has become an awesome reward if she stays in the seat on her bottom the whole time she gets one before we check out. today i asked, 'what color do you want reeser' and she said 'purpur ballloooon!!!' with a huge smile. man she's such a big girl! we've been working on colors and she's getting pretty good at saying the colors and sometimes recognizing the right ones but usually just saying a random color name.

its been raining lately and she loves to say 'wain' wet' and 'um-bell-a' too cute.

ok thats all i can think of for now.

oh and when she says 'another one' it sounds like 'monnon' and she loves to say 'where go?' when someone/something is hiding and put her arms up and then when it reappears say 'theeeyyaa is' :) love her


Cliff and Jessica said...

I loved reading all about Reese! Suh a precious cutie. I was so thankful to hear she throws major tantrums too cause we are dealing with this new phase as well! Lol! Glad it is normal! And seriously she has suh a huge vocabulary!!! Love you guys!

monique said...

haha this little girl is a hoot! what an adorable little joy she is to you guys :) hopefully we can get these two babies together sometime...in the meantime i'll just show her pictures of her future friend!

Denae said...

I loved reading that!! Her talking really is impressive. Reed doesn't really put words together yet....I mean he thinks he does, but we can't understand it. He is really just now mastering his favorite 10 or so words. And are they supposed to have an 18-month doctor visit? oops! I do not know what happened there. We miss y'all!!