
favorites about our 2.5 yr old

a few of my favorite things about reeser right now:

things she says a lot:
"hold you"
"i need to tell you something"
"you're my best friend!"
"its so nice to meet you" and "im so glad you're here!"-to her animals
"two more minutes?" and if she is asking for a really really long time she'll hold up five fingers and say "this many minutes? a lot of minutes??" :)
"that's a good idea!"
"that be really fun!"
"I'm just 'tending" (pretending)
"daddy is soooo silly!" she says this about a thousand times a day when she talks about him!

she's sooooo into playing make believe and it is just about the cutest thing ever! i love to just watch her and listen to the things she makes up. her imagination is awesome. She loves to pretend to take her animals to gymnastics and she teaches them how to walk on the beam and do forward rolls :). and the latest thing is to pretend we're at the zoo and she'll pick one stuffed animal that gets to come with her and we walk around to every room to see a different animal. usually the real highlight is the baby rhinos :) and its usually their birthday too. (adapted from curious george book about the zoo) oh and she also likes to pretend we're at school. she'll put her stuffed animal on her back and say its her backpack (copying daniel tiger I'm pretty sure) and she calls me teacher mommy and she acts all quiet and shy and like a sweet little student. its hilarious. she waits for me to tell her what we're doing next and then will sweetly move to the next thing. haha. so curious what she will be like in actual school :) what a sweet girl.

today she pretended that we had a puppy named Kretchin :) and it has gone everywhere with us! and she laughs and talks to it and chases it. and we even took him on a walk outside already (and its 8:30am).

loves to tell stories to each other. usually she just wants me to tell her a story about princess reese but sometimes she will tell me one and it is just about the greatest thing in the world. she'll always start with "once upon a time" and usually continue with 'there was a daddy and a mommy and a little girl named reese' :) and most of the time they go to gymnastics and walk on the balance beam

she has just learned how to take her clothes off by herself and this has made getting dressed even more of a challenge in the morning! ugh.

she really seriously seems to love gymnastics and talks about it allllllll the time. probably the most excited she gets about anywhere we go ever. and last week she finally learned how to do a forward roll all by herself. she is so proud too!

Still loves to read books and go to the library. We do this at least once a week and she loves to check out new books and "reads" them by herself. its adorable. i LOVE this about her. it makes me kinda sad that its getting hard for her to sit in my lap and me read her a book with my huge belly ha! but it sure doesn't stop us!

still loves to play doctor! she'll randomly say, "mommy, you not feeling so good? you need a check up?" and then she'll give an entire checkup (including checking your heartbeat and your breathing on your back) she does this to all of her animals all the time too.

has just started getting excited about babies and being a big sister. She loves to feel the baby in my tummy and says "shes kicking!!!" so excitedly (even when she's not). She talks about all the things she will teach the baby all the time and loves to mention that the baby is doing things with her throughout the day. like if we're going to the store she'll say "baby come too?" and she hugs and kisses my tummy a lot now too :) its so sweet. I'm so excited for her to be a big sister! I think she'll be awesome. i'm a little afraid of how it will go when she has to share her old "dds" (blankets) but hopefully we can work this out!

she loves to color/draw/paint. she's getting so much better at sort of coloring in the lines and can trace things I draw really really well. she can draw a circle with a smiley (or sad) face all by herself. and she always always asks me to draw a "picture of our house and her outside riding her bike with curly hair"

shes obsessed with orange juice and cheese.

thats all i can think of right now but i'm sure i'll come back and update in the next few days as I think of more.

love you more than words little silly reesieboo!

1 comment:

cameronandterra said...

so cute!!! We will have to hang out again soon!

OJ and Cheese, this is why Jacen likes her so much! He painted her a picture today, it was cute!