
happy halloween

Our little cupcake.
Halloween 2012
My amazing mother-in-law made Reese's cupcake costume from a picture I sent her off of pinterest :) She's so talented. Reeser saw a cupcake costume at Old Navy in September and decided she wanted it and Lisa offered to make one so I gladly took her up on it. It turned out soooo cute and I need to take a picture of it and post it on pinterest too! I think it's even cuter than the picture I saw! It was really big on R when we got it in the mail (probably due to my terrible measurements of a squirmy dancing 2 year old) so I did break out the sewing machine and make a few adjustments to get it to fit but I surely can't take any credit. and R LOVED the fact that "honey made it for me!?!" 

So our church, Valley, has a HUGE pumpkin party the weekend before Halloween where there were tons and tons of games and candy and games and crafts and ice cream and a show and I think they said 6,000 people over three nights. it was INSANE! but we had fun too. R was just concerned about getting the candy. and a little overwhelmed by all the people and costumes. and I was totally consumed with making sure nothing had peanuts. and Mark was actually sick and had just finished a very very long week of working. we were quite a crew. ha
our cute friend, Jacen. R wouldn't stand next to our other friend Judah to take a picture but she hasn't stopped talking about his costume, a rocket :) so cute!! 

 If you didn't see on facebook or twitter- apparently Des Moines is quite unique when it comes to trick-or-treating. no, they don't do it on actual Halloween. Instead, the entire city trick-or-treats the night before Halloween and calls it Beggars Night. I sort of thought this was just a made up thing that a couple of people at the hospital had told Mark, but come to find out this is just what they do. and always have. people laughed when i said i'd never heard of it. I tried my best not to say to their faces that it was super weird and why not just wait another day? It's like eating your turkey the day before thanksgiving. I just kept asking WHY in the world do they do this?? I'm sure I could find out if I just googled it. or maybe I should ask Siri. before next halloween, I'll get to the bottom of this. oh yeah, and the kids have to tell a joke before they can get candy, too.

anyway... we did conform to our city and went out on tuesday night up and down our little street. R was too cute! and she may or may not have had to use the potty at one of our neighbors houses haha - what are neighbors for?? and then that same sweet neighbor gave us some fresh pears from a pear tree. after hitting up all the houses and heading back to ours my silly reesieboo starting throwing a fit about wanting to eat.... no not the m&ms, not the suckers, but yes... she starting crying and stomping about wanting to eat the pear! ha. "I want to eat the whole thing mommy!!! not at home, right now!!!" I couldn't stop laughing. As soon as we got home she really did eat the whole thing! What a healthy, goofy little thing. Then she had a tiny sucker and that was about it. I think she's candied out after our week of potty training (which is still going great, btw). The evening was fun (and freezing). The next night, actual halloween, was super weird to me... but I think maybe churches had parties or something? maybe next year we'll have friends to invite over on the actual day and we can have our own party? here's to a fun Halloween 2012. now onto thanksgiving and christmas!! yay.

1 comment:

cameronandterra said...

so cute :) I know, the beggar's night thing was weird for me at first too!