
steady my heart

this song just came on my pandora station and i just fell to tears. so much of what my heart is feeling today. we're doing fine... just a hard day. feeling like a yucky, tired, exhausted mommy with my sweet girls needing all of me when i feel like i have nothing to give. and i feel like i'm doing it all wrong. i feel like my heart is tired. but even then, my Jesus is there. he's the lover of my soul. he's got me in the palm of his hand. i will run to HIM. and hopefully HE is what i can somehow give to my girls through my brokenness. HE is the one who steadys my heart. 

Wish it could be easy
Why is life so messy?
Why is pain a part of us?
There are days I feel like
Nothing ever goes right
Sometimes it just hurts so much

But You're here
You're real
I know I can trust You

Even when it hurts
Even when it's hard
Even when it all just falls apart
I will run to You
'Cause I know that You are
Lover of my soul
Healer of my scars
You steady my heart

I'm not gonna worry
I know that You've got me
Right inside the palm of your hand
Each and every moment
What's good and what gets broken
Happens just the way You plan

And I will run to You
And find refuge in Your arms
And I will sing to You
'Cause of everything You are

I'm not gonna worry
I know that you've got me
Right inside the palm of your hand


william and brittany said...

Love this. Such a great reminder for me today! Thank you for sharing.

Bethany Phillip said...

I love this song, too! It's definitely my "go to" song on those hard days... thanks for the reminder and encouragement!

kristen said...

this is so beautiful! I know how you feel. It can just be so overwhelming sometimes. SO thankful for a God who is present and real and in control!