
texas vaca

Mark had a vacation week in April and we were excited to be able to go see his family in Amarillo. We drove there with the girls and it was quite an adventure to say the least!! We left at 5:30a in hopes that they would sleep a lot in the morning and then we'd get there by dinner time. oh boy. hopeful thinking i guess. haha. We just didn't anticipate very well how long it would make the trip when we had to stop so I could feed Lucy so often. Reeser was such a trooper and she did awesome!! She had fun watching movies on the ipad and playing with new little toys I got her to give her different things every few hours. Lucy did fine also, she was just only three months old and was still nursing so often and after 12 hrs in that silly car seat, she had had enough - but we still had 4 more hours to go. it was crazy. and then we came to this sign:
i about lost it. but God is good, all the time. We found our own detour and made it to the hwy. The trip usually takes about 12 hrs and it took us 16+. crazy. on the way back we decided to leave after dinner Wednesday night and drive halfway and then get up super early and drive the rest. This was unbelievably easier!! Now we know and we'll prob do that every time from here on out. 

Here are a billion pics from our trip. We had a blast just being with family and getting to see a few friends too. 
Lunch at the Plaza with the grandparents after church:
Lu loves her auntie G:
Chillin on the back porch with Honey:
Driving down the street to have ice cream at PawPaws with the crazy aunties


birthday dinner for all the april birthdays - Lisa, Mark, Reese and Joel

her aunts got her a new helmet she had been asking for over and over and over

Honey and Lucy Kate 

fun in the sun and warm weather! we were so so happy to see the sunshine and not have to wear coats!

this was just the sweetest thing when gramma mason got down on the ground and wanted to just play and roll around with reeser. so so sweet!!
auntie anne got the girls matching dresses- reese was asleep but we had to get a picture of them ha
we were so excited to get to spend just a very quick evening with our friends - the Hickmans. They were our very first friends when we had just gotten married and lived in Lubbock and God has been so faithful to me through my friendship with Heidi. So fun to continue to go through life together even from so far away!
fingerpaint from aunt julia. her other very very very favorite present. she has been asking for this FOREVER and i had been waiting to give it to her for her bday. she would seriously fingerpaint at home all day long if i let her!

playing with honey and pops at the FLC at church. (matching again, from their aunties. i love it when they match :)

leaving amarillo we came across another Road Closed sign. oh gah lee. I about died. luckily this one had a detour and it was really quick. thank you Lord for taking care of us the whole way!

playing dress up in her new princess dress when we got home.

such a fun and special trip. i know we'll be making that drive a billion more times. its always worth it!!

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