
Reese's birthday buddy

Reese is one month old. wow. Time is flying by. Here are some things she's up to: She's starting to recognize us and sort of smile back. She is still sleeping so well (last night she slept almost six hours) and she's definitely growing! Some of her little newborn clothes are getting quite tight. Her umbilical cord came off at 3 1/2 weeks and she still hates taking baths. It's really the only time she screams. poor little thing. it's so sad. She's also doing great at her tummy time and seems to be pulling her head up really well. Another thing she's started is to follow objects (and sometimes me) with her eyes as they move around. What a precious angel she is. I just can't get enough :)

huge smile!! i love it :)

Grace had her senior prom last weekend and Anne Marie came in town to help her get ready. Here are all the Mason girls to send her off. She is beautiful!!

Here's a fun story: Some of our best friends from Lubbock, Chris and Denae Hutson, welcomed their second son, Reed David, into the world on the same day as Reese!! Throughout our pregnancy we kept saying how fun it would be if the babes were born on the same day.... and sure enough, I was late and Denae was early and it really happened. So for the rest of her life Reese will always have Reed as her special birthday buddy! So fun! We got to skype with them the other day and Reed is just precious! I can't wait to meet him in person. {Another fun note... their first son, Will, came home from the hospital the day we moved into our house in Lubbock - which is when we met the Hutsons since they were our across the street neighbors. We've gotten to watch him grow up (now from far away) but it has been so fun. He's almost three and is the greatest kid!}

Denae blogged about Reed and Reese too. Here's her blog... http://pageisturned.blogspot.com/2010/05/reed-meets-reese.html


the Jennings secede from the South said...

with the bath, you might've already tried this but if we warmed up the bathroom really well - like ran scalding hot water and got it steamed up before we filled his tub and he got undressed, Henry enjoyed the bath better at that age.

Denae said...

Love that Reed and Reese are birthday buddies!!! :)

And you get the best smiles out of her! She is so precious!!