
4 months

I think I say this every month, but I seriously cannot believe how fast the time is flying by. Reese is four months and one week old! wow. She is growing into such a precious little girl more and more every day. She loves to be sitting up and is trying so so hard to do it on her own already. She can do the "tripod" sit on her own (thats what mark says its called). she loves to play with her piano as she sits up :) She has learned to arch her back and whine and moan (uh oh!). She has tried rice cereal a few times and it was hilarious! Not sure she actually swallowed any but she didn't cry about it :) She's outgrown most of her 3 month clothes and is wearing many 6 month things. Those cute chubby legs just can't be contained :) She's definitely getting a bottom tooth and is drooling and putting everything in her mouth. She's also found her feet!! It's precious. The little nugget loves to grab her toes or her socks all day long and she has the biggest smile the whole time. She just thinks it's so fun. Her little personality is coming out more and more everyday and I just love it. She's so sweet and patient but is also living up to her name and acting very passionate and fiery. what a doll. I just can't get enough.

1 comment:

The Bonjour Four said...

she is VERY cute! I can't believe how fast she is growing too. Wow. I celebrated Noah's 2nd!! birthday today. HOw is that possible. I so wish I would have done the chair picture that you're doing every month. :(

Did you see I posted a tutorial about rounded corners. Just wanted to make sure you did.

Have a great evening.