

well reeser is now exactly seven months and two weeks old.
she is still pretty much the happiest baby in the world.
she's trying to crawl... she rocks back and forth on all fours and is really good at scooting backwards but hasn't quite figured out how to go forward yet.
she has definitely figured out that mommy still exists even when she's in another room
she doesn't like to eat baby food - we've tried everything.
she hates to lay down and have her diaper changed... pretty much immediately rolls over.
sleeping through the night pretty well (sometimes wakes up once but goes right back to sleep)
still no teeth.
wears size 3 diapers.
puts everything in her mouth (besides food)
loves the strap on the camera (thats why she's smiling in almost every picture haha) she pulled herself up on her green chair to get to it. 
says 'mamama' and 'bababa'.
reaches for you when you go to pick her up.
can somehow crawl into my lap when im sitting next to her.
LOVES to watch dogs and little kids.
has the cutest laugh you've ever heard.
just started rolling onto her stomach while she sleeps.

i love you more than ever my little reesie boo. 

1 comment:

The Lacys said...

she is so beautiful!!