
eating habits: part 2

I can't believe I'm typing this but I have been unbelievably amazed this past week because apparently Reese LOVES to eat!!!!!! I guess I just wasn't giving her the right foods! She still hates baby food and won't eat off of a spoon but she'll eat pretty much anything if she thinks it's what you're eating! She still doesn't love to pick   things up and put them in her mouth on her own {except for puffs} but she'll eat baby chunks of food off my finger like a champ! She's eaten apples, bananas, carrots, chicken, hamburger, turkey, corn, beans, yogurt bites, graham crackers.... whoooohoooo!!!! She still doesn't eat a ton but she opens her mouth and "chews" with her toothless gums haha! I'm so proud! Also, today she drank some water from her sippy cup! :) Again, she would only do it when she watched her daddy do it first.... but that's a big step!! Love you Reesie boo! You're sure growing up fast.

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