
eating habits

My little Reeser has truly been the greatest baby in the world! She is so laid back, so sweet, smiles all the time, sleeps great (usually)…. however, there is one thing she absolutely does not like…. eating!!! {unless its breastmilk}. We have tried everything from frozen to warm, from homemade to store bought to organic, from bananas and applesauce to sweet potatoes, peas and carrots, on a spoon, off my finger, off her tray on her highchair, on a plate…. You name it, we’ve probably tried it (except for yogurt! Someone told me yesterday to try that). She just won’t have it. She’ll be nine months tomorrow. Still has no teeth. Is still breastfeeding. and our dr says it’s not a big deal and is not worried about it at all. I’m really not worried about it either… It’s just funny! All this to say, last night she ate a whole bunch of little pieces of a banana (I think because she thought I was eating it too – so she wanted what I was having)!! I was ECSTATIC!! Hahaha I mean you would have thought she had taken her first step or won SING or something! Ha. I was doing a dance and she was smiling so big like she knew she had done something great, but didn’t know what it was! :) Then today at lunch she ate about 3 puffs! Again I put them on my plate next to my pretzels and she thought she was having what I was having! Tricky little thing. Tonight she ate some pieces of bread that I was having. Hopefully, this will continue a little each day and we’ll get this girl to eat. I just pray that she’s not a picky eater her whole life! I mean that would be the complete {COMPLETE} opposite of me, the girl who eats anything. Haha!

At least she still looks precious in her high chair :)

Love you little stinker!

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