

I realize I'm very late in posting these and that most people think new years resolutions are dumb.... but I love them. I do it every year and I think it's such a great way to reflect on the past year, on things I want to change or do better or different and then by writing them down it helps really keep me accountable. So, in no particular order.... here are my 2011 new years resolutions.

- Finish reading 'So Long Insecurity' by Beth Moore by the end of January
- Read 2 more books for fun
- Join a weekly Bible study
- Video Reese (and our family) more often
- Sew more
- For every article of new clothing I buy I have to give one away
- Cut back on buying things and groceries that we don't need
- Watch less TV (no american idol or the bachelor)
- Don't hate/dread going to school every morning
- Go on a date night with Mark at least once a month (if not more!!)
- Try more new recipes
- Take vitamins every day
- Read the Bible every day
- Read the Bible with Reese and teach her about Jesus

1 comment:

Rebecca Win said...

these are great. have you seen the Storybook Bible...? we read it to our preschoolers and they loooove it! perfect for spiritual foundation in little kiddies... :)