

The other day Reese, Mark and I were just playing and coloring and reading books together and talking about letters and I asked Reese, "What letter does Reese start with?" I started saying Ruh ruh ruh rrrrrreeese. Rrrreese starts with R. ruh ruh" (you know, just normal teacher talk ha) and she just stared at me {like she does when she's really thinking about something and taking it all in} Then I said, "what does mommy start with? mmmmmm mommy. It starts with M mmmmmommy. What about Daddy. Duh duh duh daddy. D." Then she looked at us with a huge smile and said "buh buh buh daddy!!! buh buh buh mommy! duh duh duh weeeese" :) too cute. she was close. now she does this ALL the time. She'll say a word then say, buh buh buh or duh duh duh and then say a random word. In the car a second ago we were saying "ssssss Sam" and she'd say buh buh buh sam. buh buh buh Kara :) too cute. I'm sure not trying to push her too hard, but I do want to challenge at least a little bit! I really believe that these muchkins little brains are capable of so much more than we give them credit for! I LOVE those moments when I see the wheels turning in her head and she learns something new. so priceless.

On that note, anyone have favorite educational iPad apps?? 

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