
big girl potty

well.... we did it. Reese is "potty trained/training" :) so proud of her!

I knew Mark was on call all day at the hospital this past weekend and we had no plans so.... we decided to go for it with potty training! Reeser is exactly 2 1/2 and has been telling me when she needed to go potty and a lot of times would ask to pretend to go on the big potty. and I learned recently that during my bible study and during MOPS she always tells her teachers she needs to go on the big potty and they try (i'm convinced she just wants an excuse to wash her hands there bc they have a cool step stool ha!) regardless... we thought maybe she was ready and I wanted to do it before the baby comes, etc. 

So.... I talked it up with R for about a week. That Friday was going to be our special day. She was saying bye bye to her diapers. She got to pick out a new cup and some special juice (capri sun). We got out her Dora panties. She was super excited! I was not. I just feel like no diapers = a lot more work for the mommy - anyone else? anyway.... the whole weekend went GREAT! We did the all out boot camp 'potty training in a day' method (which took more than a day). She still hasn't had any huge accidents but definitely has some little ones before she runs to the potty.

We started out like this: 
haha! I definitely let her watch too many shows on the disneyjunior app and pbs app on the ipad but hey, whatever works! I was just terrified of ruining our new carpet so I got so creative and we did EVERYTHING on the wood floor for 2 days haha. I have been so bored and so stir crazy... but it worked and was so worth it!

oh yeah... so the first time she wouldn't go in the little potty when I was watching her but I knew she had to go so I moved the potty into her little play house tent and she tinkled in the potty as soon as I moved it in there! ha. sweet little modest mouse. so cute! and hilarious. It's still in there (and this is day four) but we move it out sometimes too.

potty training in 2012:

another friend of hers was working on potty training last week too and we ran into them at target and he was getting to pick out a new toy for going poopy on the potty. so... we grabbed this idea and apparently it worked because she had absolutely NO trouble with this one. I thought it would be months before she figured this one out but its been so easy! I still can barely believe it. So then I had to follow through and took her to target (in her big girl panties) on day 3 to pick out a toy. worst idea ever. She did great potty wise at the store - even went on the big potty at the store! but finding a toy that she thinks is her idea to pick out and is less than $10 turns out to be impossible. since when are all toys $19. gah lee. even stupid plastic ones. and barbies. and animals. but then she saw the "cars and nater" paint and color set and she was sold. too funny.

and every time she would go in the potty she got two candy corns and got to pick another hot air balloon sticker for the window. here she is posing by them on day #2 :) We're both soooo proud! Almost every time we would call and facetime with daddy at the hospital and she was always so proud to tell him and he was too cute encouraging her as well. and she also kept taking all her animals to the potty and would say "you can do it bear! you go potty?? oohhh I'm so proud of you! you get a new toy!!!" hahaha

Here we are now on day four. We've been to several different stores and after a day or two of her being scared of the big potties and how loud they were when you flush - she has now gone several times while we've been out and about. Every time she has to go she says "I'm going poopy!" with the silliest look on her face. She usually only needs to go tinkle and isn't actually going right then but it's pretty funny. Oh another funny thing is that when Mark came home from work Saturday he asked R what she did today and she said "I said, "byebye diapers!!!" and im wearing my big girl panties!!" :)

can't believe my little munchkin is getting to be such a big girl! so proud of you reesieboo! 

1 comment:

cameronandterra said...

so cute! Im so thankful that it is working!!! Yeah for big girl undies!