
Happy Birthday Gunner!

Our crazy Vizsla, Gunner, turned six on May 7th! Even though that makes him about 42 in dog years, we are convinced that Vizsla's live as puppies forever! I made cupcakes in honor of his birthday and I even let him lick the bowl! (I promise we never feed him table food - unless its leftover meat scraps which go in his bowl outside - but this was a special occasion, so I gave in! haha)Here's to many more crazy years of chasing squirrels, playing catch in the backyard, going nuts over light reflections, running in circles, jumping as high as the door frame and shaking like a fish in the air, sneaking around the couch to secretly sit under our feet, whimpering when it rains/storms and long runs in the park. We love you, Gunner.

1 comment:

Elliott and Lindsay Drake said...

aw gunner! i can't believe he is six! what a cute boy.