
nine months

27.5 inches long (47%)
17.8 lbs (30%)

Reese turned nine-months-old on Wednesday!! She had her nine month appt yesterday and I was shocked to see she was only in the 30% percentile for weight- remember when she was in the 90% for the first six months!! Wow. I guess she’s just crawling everywhere and burning up all that baby fat – and the fact that she won’t eat anything probably has something to do with it. But the nurse practitioner wasn’t worried at all and said she looked great! She’s crawling all over the place, pulling up on everything, starting to get very curious, loves to play with her toys, loves to play peek a boo, loves to shake her head NO and hasn’t quite figured out yes yet so she just leans to the side, loves to pull everything out of her diaper bag (at least twice a day), loves to chase the broom around while I sweep! She thinks it’s hilarious. She “talks” all the time!! Says, dada and mama – but not at us, I don’t think. She loves Gunner and lights up every time she sees him. She also loves knobs! And somehow has figured out how to unscrew the ones on our coffee table! Uh oh. Also, the nurse said yesterday that she could eat table food now and just go ahead and try anything! (except milk, eggs, pb, etc.) So last night at Rudy’s we gave Reesie some tiny pieces of turkey, corn and bread and she gobbled them up!!!!! Yippee!! I guess she’ll just skip right over that yucky baby food stuff {which I have a TON of homemade baby food in the freezer! Good thing I made all that haha} This sure will be easier. Anybody have some good/soft/healthy finger food ideas?? Send em my way :)

The green chair pictures are getting much more difficult to take haha! here are a few :)

Reesie, you have captured my heart and I couldn’t love you more. Happy nine month birthday!!


CaseyWiegand said...

shes absolutely precious. love yall

Cliff and Jessica said...

Yay Reese! She is absolutely gorgeous! I just bought some wheat germ. I heard you could roll banana in it and it is less messy and way healthy. Tried it and Camden gobbled it up but it was still messy ha! Also you could try blueberries. They have been on sale some and are squishy enough that she shouldn't choke. Have fun experimenting!

Rebecca Win said...

what a cuuuutie!!!!!!