
Engagement Day

Four years ago today my sweet Mark Mason had the biggest surprise planned for me. Here’s what happened:
 Mark was in Waco visiting for the weekend (it was a Sunday evening) I was at a tri delt meeting but Mark and I had planned to go on a ‘valentines/congrats on sing being over’ date {since I had basically not had a life apart from Sing until that weekend}. I got home and he said he had my valentine’s present in my room .... four super fun new dresses laying on my bed (which he picked out)  and he said “pick one :)”. It was the sweetest thing!!! I picked a cute gren dress and got to wear it on our date that night. (and somehow later I talked him into letting me keep two others haha) We went to dinner at 135 Prime (yum) and then after dinner as we drove back he said “let’s go on a walk down memory lane” so he starting talking about our first date, other fun dates, things he had learned about me throughout the 3 years we had been dating and we were laughing about dates and stuff and then we ended up at the Baylor Baseball field {time out: to preface…. The baseball field is where we had our first kiss. We “broke” in one night (and don’t worry mom, by break in I mean we opened the unlocked gate and went in). It was so so so pretty and I still feel like we were in a movie that night. It was a full moon, we were dancing on the pitchers mound and then he kissed me. So sweet. And I will never forget that moment} Back to the engagement…. As we pulled up to the baseball field he said something like lets just go see if we can get in again. As we walked around the corner to the field, I saw the most beautiful thing! Candles in mason jars and flowers all over the place and on each mound. It was so pretty!!! 
Obviously, I figured it out at that point. He started saying the sweetest things about when God told him I was the one he was going to marry while he was on his summer-long trip in India the summer before…. I wish I could remember it more… he asked on one knee, I screamed yes!, then he turned to the bleachers and screamed “she said YES!!” At that moment my family (who drove from Missouri) Mark’s family (who drove from Amarillo) and all of our best friends (who came from everywhere) came out of the bleachers!! I lost it. They turned on the field lights and it was just the greatest moment ever!!!!! I’m getting teary again just thinking about it. We all went back to my apartment for a little engagement party after that and four months later, we got married :)

I love you more than words Mark Mason and I couldn’t be more proud to be your wife. Thank you for asking me to marry you four years ago today.

As I was looking through these pictures I came across this hilarious video of me passing candle at tri delt meeting the day after getting engaged. It made me laugh!! I talked so fast and was shaking with excitement... so fun.

in other engagement news..... my sweet, dear cousin Anna is engaged to her precious bf Bo! I couldn't be more excited for them! They live in Kansas City and he surprised her with a big ski trip last weekend in Beaver Creek and on the last day proposed at sunset on top of the mountain! I'm still dying to see pictures but it sure sounds amazing. She will be the most beautiful bride and they have such a neat story of how the Lord has brought them together over the years. I just love how He works.


Elizabeth Ann @ Elizabeth Ann's Recipe Box said...

our relationship revolved around baseball too! :-) I LOVED your sweet engagement story! ;-)

The Maybin's said...

your story is sooo sweet!

Rebecca Win said...

I remember this like it was yesssterday!!! How far we have come from this moment - crazy to think about how fast time passes! I love ya'll!!!

Denae said...

haha...loved the video!! Chris paid for me to get a manicure the day we got engaged too....but I had never even thought about that! It was a good idea though.

Unknown said...

You made me cry at work. Love y'all and so happy you're married and our friends!!!