
match day

We're moving to Columbia, Missouri!!!!!!!!!! can't believe it. {only 3.5 hrs from my family i must add} This was mark's top choice. two of his other classmates/friends will be there too.  one step closer to him becoming a surgeon. I'm so proud. Here are some pictures of our day last Thursday....

Reese was dressed up in her scrubs that said "Dr. Reese" on the front :) I made them take a picture in the front yard before we left.

This was such a fun moment when everyone opened their letters and found out where they were headed. So amazing that all of those students are about to be doctors. wow. Reese was clapping too as she looked around and saw everyone else being excited too. it was so cute! she was excited for her daddy.

Mark's sweet parents were there too. We sure will be sad to leave them!

Then we went to a big lunch 'ceremony' {which I had no idea would last for 2.5 hours or I prob wouldn't have brought little R!} she did great though!

That night was a more formal'ish dinner/reception. Great food at the Amarillo Club. Afterwards we went to a fun party with all of Mark's classmates to celebrate a wonderful day and all the work they've done for four years to get to this point. 

I'm so proud of you and love you more than words soon-to-be Dr. Mark Donald Mason


Elizabeth Ann @ Elizabeth Ann's Recipe Box said...

Yea for Missouri!!!! :-) SOOO fun! ANDDDDD Reese's eyelashes are sooooo pretty! ;-)

The Maybin's said...

so excited for you and mark! i'll sure miss your sweet self!

ps: i LOVE your hair!!!

Rebecca Win said...

Missouri - YAY! It's perfect!
You look adorable, by the way - a glowing little mommy and sweet happy family!

Unknown said...

I'm so sad you are leaving Texas but so happy Mark got his first choice! Reese's outfit is the cutest thing I have ever seen and your hair looks presh! miss you!!!

kristen said...

so excited for you guys!!! congrats on finishing (for both of you!) its so exciting taking the next step and I cant wait to hear all about on the blog!!

Lauren said...

Congrats on heading to your home state!! I know you must be so excited! We will miss seeing you, Mark and Reese at church! Your hair is darling by the way, you look great with bangs! :)

Amy said...

Yay! I grew up near Columbia and my family is still there. I think you'll enjoy living there! Congratulations!!