

Last weekend gigi and papajoe came for a quick 24 hour visit just to see silly reeser for a little bit. We had a fun visit and always love playing, eating and shopping together. 

I think Reese's favorite part of their visit was the silly trinkets that my dad brought her :) She loves the Cars movie and he found a little snuggie (yes, snuggie) that has mcqueen and mater on it. hilarious. she drags it around all over the house. He also got her these silly little trinkets from a convention - you know the giveaway things that have different business logos on them - R thinks they're the greatest treasure on earth. It's a little key chain flashlight that she can push and the light turns on and the other one is a stress ball but in the shape of a car. Somehow this spice bottle got into the mix of treasures that I gave her to play with in her kitchen. She pretends that its beans. I'm 100% telling the truth when I say she has been carrying those three silly little things around with her at all times for the past week and was thrilled when I showed her how to put them in her pockets the other day. You can't really tell but she as so proud of each thing in each pocket and kept taking them out and putting them back in.
its the little things.

remember reese's "new" old cowboy boots... well both soles had fallen off the shoes and they were really sort of falling apart (being 25 years old and all) so papa joe took them to a boot shop :) They brought them back this time and they are shiny red and look like new!

she set up this whole picture by herself ha - she got the baby all set up with her juice and all the accessories in order and then crawled up there with the baby and said "cheese mommy! picture!"

last week I also barely got reesieboos tiny little hairs into a teeny tiny ponytail :) cutest thing ever. it lasted about 7 minuets and then she just keep saying 'no hair mommy! no hair!' so we had to take it out. 

she also got a letter in the mail from pawpaw in amarillo with two balloons in it! oh what a great surprise. haha she was SO excited. of course they have the DonMasonBuilders logo on them and are probably 55 years old. but we love it! 

and this past weekend honey and pops came to visit!!! more on that coming...

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