
we're moving...


On Friday we found out that Mark matched in the general surgery program in Des Moines!

Mark loved it when he interviewed there and was really impressed by the program, the people and the city- which is why he ranked it so high- and since then we have only heard good things about it. Mark feels really lucky to get to be a part of this private, community-based program and I'm excited to start another new adventure as a family! I'm mostly excited because we know we'll be there for at least five years and I'm so ready to finally get to feel settled {we will have now moved four times (to four new cities!) in five years of being married} I'm not all that excited to start all over again with a new city, new friends, new church, new doctors, etc. for the 5th time in my life.... but we {and so many of you} have prayed sooooo much about this next step for our family and we know without a doubt that this is what the Lord has for us. So how could I not be excited about that!?! I have never even been to Iowa, ever, in my life. ha. thats a little scary. but from all the pictures I've see it looks like a great place. and I read somewhere that it was ranked in the top 5 places to raise a family in the country... so thats got to mean something, right? So, here's to another new city and to following God's will. It might be a little scary but we're resting in Colossians 1:17- "He is before all things and in Him all things hold together." (thank you Parker for sharing that with me!)

enjoying spring in missouri with pooh bear the other day (and wearing her "scubs like daddy" as she says)

here we go again...


jenniferrush said...

Congratulations on Mark matching! I understand the whole moving thing (7 moves in 7 years of marriage for us!) It is like God constantly reminding you, "This world is not your home, so don't get too attached". At some point, you want to tell God you have mastered that lesson, and so it would ok if he could just leave you put somewhere for a while :)

So sending prayers your way on your new journey. I know there will be many blessings ahead. Can't wait to stay up to date via your blog (and maybe we will run into you sometime if you are visiting Amarillo)!


Rebecca Win said...

YAY FOR THE MIDWEST! Excited to have you just a bit closer Elizabeth! :)

monique said...

yea for both you and mark!!! what an exciting adventure you guys have had. while i'm sure its hard at times, we will be praying for you :) love you guys! and sic'em bears!

Allison said...

Oh my goodness, I can't believe you guys have moved that many times! YAY for getting to stay in the same place for a while! Congrats to you guys! I am so excited for yall! I can't wait to hear all about it!

kristen said...

ahhhhh!! yea guys!! that is so fantastic!!! y'all are going to love it!! I just remember the relief and excitement when you find out and then getting what you wanted! ahh! i love it!! praise the Lord so much for just knowing what we need and always taking care of us! ahhh! i just love it!