

A few weeks ago Kara and Sam were taking a road trip to Branson to see her brother and his family who were on vacation there so really, Reese and I had no choice but to jump in the car with them! We were really only there for 24 hours but still had a blast. Reese just thought it was the coolest thing that Sam was at her grandparents house too. She kept saying 'Sam play gigis house too!'

these two did great on the 3.5 hour drive together! too cute sharing toys back and forth and singing songs together. 

but they were pretty happy to get out of the car when we got there. {ps. did I mention how Branson got hit by a crazy tornado?!! did you hear about it? Well our church (where my dad works) got hit and they're redoing the roof and some other things and the kiddos loved watching the big trucks working}

little tree hugger. like literally she loves to hug trees :)

this is my pretty friend kara. don't you think she should start a blog?!! :)
watching the "firetruck"

"sam blow bubbles too"
"here go maisy. maisy bubbles too. common maisy, lets go."

"dada duck" -sam


we found my brothers little tool belt from when he was little and sam loved it :) and reese loved putting all the pieces together on his belt for him. what a little team they are!

reeser INSISTED on holding the huge bubble bottles while taking  picture. hilarious. 

story time with papajoe. so sweet.

what a fun quick trip with our besties! can't wait to do it again.

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