
our little gymnast

Well, Reese is already a gymnast. She did her first flip last week and we were so proud :)

We were shocked to find out at our appt on March 22 that little Reese was breech - meaning she was upside down. Our Dr. immediately sent us down to get a sono to double check and sure enough, he was right. After talking about our options, we scheduled a procedure for the next day called a Version - where he flips the baby. It's about 65% likely that the procedure works and then even if it does, there's always a chance she could flip back. We were shocked and scared and didn't really know what to expect but it was truly incredible the way the Lord filled us with peace and in less than 24 hours showed us His perfect provision and comfort through more friends and family praying for us than we could ever imagine. We felt completely showered in prayers throughout the whole day as we prepared for the procedure. (thank you sweet family and friends! You mean so much to us)

We got to the hospital about 3pm and I got all hooked up. Dr. Eades arrived around 5 and after checking the sono for a while to make sure he knew exactly where her little body was, where the placenta was etc., he began to push. And he literally just pushed on my stomach, from the outside, and flipped her around. The whole thing was really crazy! He was so out of breath and was literally pushing with all of his might. I was trying not to watch but I felt like he was just kneading a pound of frozen dough on my stomach haha (thats the only way i can think to describe it) It took about 15 minutes-ish and let me tell you it was incredibly painful!! But honestly, as I cried throughout the whole thing, all I could think about was praising Jesus and praying that He would take control and flip her around.... and He did!! I could feel all the prayers and the crazy way the Lord made me strong when I was soooo weak. We couldn't believe it when it was over and it worked!

We had to stay in the hospital for about 3 1/2 hours after that because there's always a chance that all that pushing could send me into labor. I was having contractions about 4 or 5 minutes apart for a while, but it slowed down and they let us go home (and I finally got to eat and drink again - I couldn't all day). I was really, really sore for the next few days and I've definitely been having contractions off and on since then! At the appt. this week the doc said her head is still down (praise the Lord), I'm dilated to a 2 and 50% effaced. Yay! So we're making progress and just waiting for her arrival :) We can't wait!!! Every morning I wake up thinking, "Is today Reese's birthday?!" 10 days to my due date and we couldn't be more excited!

Thanks for all your prayers and support! We'll keep you posted :)


Unknown said...

Wow. That's amazing Elizabeth. I am so happy she flipped and so glad you shared the wholes story. I've never heard how that was done! I can't wait for little miss reese to show her pretty face!!!

The Bonjour Four said...

aw how exciting! can't wait to see the precious bundle of joy! you're getting closer!!

I hear the version is pretty, pretty painful. we almost went the route with Noah, but then we decided not to.

Hang in there!

B said...

That is amazing! So glad everything worked out :)


Allison said...

sounds like she is going to love gymnastics! I am so glad that she flipped back around! I can't believe it's getting so close to due date! I feel like it was just yesterday when you said you were pregnant! I can't wait to see baby Reese and hopefully meet her one day!

Unknown said...

You are amazing for getting through that!! From the sound of it it was not a fun experience. You are going to be such a GREAT mom and I can't wait to see pics of little Reese when she gets here!!! Miss you! :)