
the reese's

Reese spent at least 15 solid minutes last night tearing up a magazine to shreds! Literally:

But this is not a joke... One page she somehow ripped out whole and then stared at it for a while just smiling at it and here's what it was...

Sorta hard to see but its Reese Witherspoon. I guess she already knows they share a special bond. Haha. It was so funny and cute. Although I know/hope/pray that our Reese will love Jesus and live her life for Him and not for Hollywood like the other Reese. (I actually know nothing about Reese Witherspoons personal life... Maybe she does love Jesus. No idea)

Just thought this was funny!

{and no, in case you're thinking it, Reese Witherspoon had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that we named our daughter Reese. We just loved the name and it's meaning}

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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