
gigi and papa joe

Reese's Gigi and Papa Joe (my parents) came to visit last week. It was a very quick trip so I didn't feel like I got to see them too much since I had to work :( but they got to play with Reese all day so I know they had a blast! Wish we lived closer so they could see every little thing Reeser learns each day, but we're pretty good at making the most out of every moment we get together. Love you so much Gigi and Papa Joe!! Thanks for making the long drive down here - even for just a few short days. See you soon!


While they were here Reese turned ten months old. That entire day I kept looking at my baby girl and just couldn't believe how big she looked/acted! Maybe it was just her outfit or something..... but she just seems like such a 'kid' and not a 'baby!' :( this makes me sad {and sorta ready for another one! don't you dare tell mark i said that! ha} but on the other hand this stage is sooooo much fun! She is so interactive, seems to try to repeat things you say or do, laughs and smiles so much (except for the past week - she's FINALLY getting her first tooth! you can't really see it yet but i can feel it.) 

She crawls super fast and has great balance and is pulling herself up on everything and cruises around the coffee table or the couch. She can also walk by just holding onto one of our hands if she really wants to get to something. 

She absolutely loves bath time - probably because she gets to hear us sing the song my dad made up for us, "bathtime. bathtime. everybody loves bathtime. bathtime. bathtime. yes, siree." :) She splashes water everywhere and loves her rubber duckies.

She'll eat pretty much anything and has finally started eating off the spoon - praise the Lord!! Since she has always refused to take a bottle we're trying so hard to teach her to drink from a sippy cup. We just got one with a straw and she's pretty good at drinking from it. We're still working on it but hopefully this will be a good transition soon.

She would probably play peek a boo with you all day long and she also loves to open and close doors (except this may just be another way of playing peek a boo ha! its hard to tell)

She is such a joy and I literally run out of school everyday so I can get home to play with her. I can't believe she will be one in two more short months! crazy crazy!

love you punkin. 

ps. if anyone else is counting.... 16 days until we find out where mark matched for residency and where we're moving!!!!!! please please keep us in your prayers. this will be a HUGE day for us. It's on St. Patty's day, so it should be easy to remember. Hope it really is a lucky day. I couldn't be more proud of my sweet husband.


Heidi said...

Sure do love that sweet little face! Glad your parents got to visit.

Praying for your family - 16 days is very soon!!

Jessie said...

what are the options? PLEASE SAY HOUSTON! :) Love reeser, she is so dang cute!

The Maybin's said...

reese is so precious! you, mark and reese are still on my prayer list and i'm lifting you up constantly! so excited about the days ahead for you all!