
family vaca {part one- denver}

overload of pictures. just a warning. 

The last week of September was Mark's week off so we took full advantage of it and spent the week visiting our friends and family. For the first four days we drove to Denver and spent some much needed time with my bestie Lindsay and her adorable family. It's such a huge blessing to me that Mark and Lindsays husband, Elliott, are also such great friends and Mark treasures time with him almost as much as I do with Linds. And also, her little girl Avery (3) and my Reeser are quite the best buddies already too. Maybe because I am constantly telling R that Aves is her very best friend (even though we see them once a year) but when we got there those girls literally ran to each other, gave each other a smiley stare down and were then laughing and giggling and holding hands the entire rest of our time. Reese loved little Lucas (16 mo.) too. He's pretty easy to love on! We had the best time, as always! 

Dinner in downtown denver
(i can't remember the names of any of the places we went, sorry. preggo brain is in full swing these days!)

then a stop at the flagship REI. my mountain man was in heaven and R&A entertained us the whole time trying on snow gear and chanting "we're ready for the snow! we're ready for the snow!" ha

reese brought aves a few little goodies and they were excited to watch these goofy sponge animals grow 

Sunday we drove into the mountains and went on the most beautiful hike ever!! It was so fun and just so incredible to be out in the mountains. Don't tell Mark but maybe, I said maybe, my mind is opening to the possibility of us moving to colorado - I said maybe, people. and only if Lindsay still lives there :)

lukeyman was quite the explorer too!

{just for my memory... the above picture was so hilarious to me. besides the fact that about 2.5 seconds later R had a meltdown and would not obey... before that she was trying to make avery act out a scene from sid the science kid when they all jump around and say "its time, for teacher susie to sing" it was hilarious. aves had no idea what was happening but was totally following along and reese was in her own little world. hahaha i was dying. no idea why in the middle of the woods she thought she needed to do that. love her imagination!}

sweet happy smiley boy. 

we stayed with my parents friends who moved there a few years ago - Will and Cindy Cunningham - and lived a few houses up from us growing up, their son is one of my brothers best friends and they were like our second parents growing up. it was so neat to get to spend time with them and watch them love on reese! they are the best!!!!!!
Reeser LOVED watching the birds out the window 

before our big adventure to IKEA. oh man. couldn't believe that place. 

then we got to pick up aves from pre-school. it was adorable. cutest classroom ever and reese thought it was awesome and randomly will ask now if she can go to school like avery.

went on a walk on the awesome trail behind Dallas Seminary (where the drakes live). I practiced pushing the double stroller and just LOVED this view the whole time :) 

the cunningham's had us all over for dinner one night. what a blessing. they have an awesome back porch and it felt so mountain-y :) and great company. so fun!


then it melted my heart a little when Mr. Will gathered up R and A to tell them a bedtime story. I cannot even explain the memories I have of his stories growing up. They're the best. unbelievably creative. the characters always continue through story to story :) it was so cute. He started talking in his "story voice" and the memories just came flooding back of being with our neighborhood best friends or just with eric, wes and peter and him telling stories about josie & maggie (our dogs) and scout (their dog). or about some wild ninja or pirate or indian. so fun. this one was about princess avery and princess reese and their horses, of course.

Thank you Lindsay and Elliott for letting us come to visit! We had an awesome time. We love you sooooo much and can't wait to do it again soon. Miss you already! thank goodness for FaceTime :)

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