
family vaca {part two- amarillo}

The second half of our trip we spent in good ole West Texas. We had so so so much fun playing with Honey and Pops and all of our family there. Wish we could have had more time to see friends too but we were thankful to be with family!! Reese had so much fun playing with all of daddys toys from when he was little that Honey found in storage. and one of the great highlights was some delicious mexican food!! oh and donut stop of course. and honey took Reeser on a shopping spree (which r could probably care less about - but i sure thought it was fun!) R's highlight was probably chasing Beanie around (the masons little dog) and just being with Honey and Pops! They're the best :) oh and she LOVED the discovery center too! what a great trip!!!!

after some yummy queso and fajitas! yum!

we were so thankful to spend some time with gamma and pawpaw and aunt marilyn!

taking beanie on a walk! I wish this picture could come with sound because then you could hear the precious little squeels and giggles happening haha. 

playing at the park 
(that daddy grew up playing at his elementary school)

so cute!

honey took us to the discovery center and reese still hasn't stopped talking about. she asks to go back all the time!

building a bird house with pops :) 
and then painting it with honey

we made our long long drive home even longer by stopping in kc to have dinner with my cute cousin anna. what a treat. please excuse our appearance.... we had been driving for 14 hours! yuck. but it was soooooo worth the drive to get to be with family. wish we could do it more often. already praying that someday we'll live close to both sides of the family. 

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