

Two weekends ago we had the most beautiful weekend! Dr. Mason was OFF for the whole weekend AND it was the most beautiful weather. We had so much fun spending most of our time outside playing. R LOVED jumping in the leaves....

and for the first time she got really brave and learned how to sort of drive her barbie jeep. she would "drive" it (without using the steering wheel ha!) about 5 inches and then say she and her baby were at church or target or gymnastics or the shoe store (haha) and then they would walk around and go back to the jeep and go to the next store. too cute. 

while we were playing mark did this:
too bad I don't have a before picture but we could barely fit one car in there and now we can fit TWO! hooray. just in time for the cold weather! way to go hubs. 

and we painted pumpkins...

and i'm now 29 weeks... {well 28 in this picture} 
sweet baby girl is growing and moving and seems to be doing great! so thankful. 

1 comment:

cameronandterra said...

saweet barbie jeep, I would drive that!